Friday, February 27, 2015


James tells us that "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this:to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world" James 1:17.  Today we get to go into a state run orphanage in Cajamarca and spend time with some precious orphans.  It is always one of my highlights.  For two and a half hours we get to go in and love on them and play with them but most importantly we get to open up God's word and teach them and pray with them and share the deep things of God with them.  I love this ministry that the Lord has allowed us to start.  Our primary focus is on planting a Bible teaching church and making disciples through the church, but we also get this wonderful blessing to be part of this orphanage.  One of the greatest blessing that the work of Christ obtained for His people is adoption into God's family.  This is something that we overlook so often.  When we think about salvation most the time we think of heaven and being spared from God's wrath and even having access to God the Father but so many times adoption is over looked.  As I work my way through Galatians on sunday mornings, I am being reminded of the great privilege of being adopted by God the Father and becoming an heir to all that He has to offer.  As we go into this orphanage this afternoon, what is most important for these priceless niƱos, is not that someone would come adopt them, but that they could be adopted by God the Father.  That by faith they can enter into the most incredible family ever.  They can can receive an inheritance that is above any earthly inheritance.  They can cry out with the rest of the saints, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly places" Eph 1:3.
Please join with us in this ministry and pray for these young ones that the Lord may open their hearts to see just how great He is and that they would run to His open arms.

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