Wednesday, April 26, 2017

"A man's best friend is a good wife." Thomas Edison

I sat across the school room table and watched my wife interact and teach three of our four children.  Balancing on an edge the different strengths and weakness and personalities of these three.  While all at the same time bouncing between subjects and grades.  I looked on in admiration.  She was gentle yet firm (every now and then frustration gets ahold, but if you knew my kids, it is surprising that frustration and yelling isn't the every moment of the school day).  Proverbs tells us "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD."  I have found this to be true.  I know that many men throughout the world will tell you they are the most blessed men on earth.  Well I am no different.  I am one of those guys.  I truly know in my heart of hearts that I am the most blessed man on earth.  First and foremost because I have been adopted into the family of God.  Before the foundation of the earth, the Lord set His redeeming love upon me and chose me in His precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  There is not a higher blessing that can be bestowed upon anyone.  Apart from that glorious truth, the Lord continued to shower me with blessing.  He gave me a woman who is like no other.  I could write and write until this blog was overtaken by all she does, but that isn't really the point I am trying to make.  What I am trying to say is that my wife is an amazing woman of God who pushes me to fall more in love with Jesus each day.  She radiates the glory of Christ and is always challenging me to be more like Him.  She always encourages me in the ministry as well.  Even though she never had the desire to be a pastor's wife or to live cross culturally, when the Lord prompted me, she humbled herself and stepped up to do whatever was necessary to support me in what the Lord called of me.  I must say that I don't have any stories like William Carey or John Wesley.  I have been blessed by an overly supportive help meet.  Full time ministry (cross culturally or not) is hard enough on it's own.  I couldn't imagine having a wife who wasn't supportive or in some cases resentful or combative.  God is gracious.  Giving me Nicole is just another proof of that.  Without her on my side encouraging me and helping me to press on, I wouldn't be here today.  Someone said that behind every good man is a good woman.  I have no idea who said that or how that developed but I will say it is true in my case.  Most of the time, she gets no recognition for all she does, nor does she want it.  But as I watched her teaching our kids this morning, I wanted to take a moment and express my gratitude towards her.  I pastor a church of several dozen people.  I speak at churches in the States when we are on furlough.  For the most part, it could appear that I do all the ministry.  But since coming to Peru I have always said my wife has a bigger ministry than I do.  She is elbow to elbow with the people.  She made the first relationships.  She is doing more than I ever could.  Even this week, in the midst of packing for Chile and homeschooling and all the house hold duties, she is running over to the church morning and evening and dealing with the landlord and the maintenance people that are there doing repairs.  All the supplies for Sunday's, she takes care of that.  She is writing all the women of the church and seeing how they are doing.  She just pours herself out day after day.  I was so blessed and honored a couple weeks ago when the Mud and Miracles team was leaving they acknowledge just how much my wife did.  I swelled with pride!  Even after they returned to the States we received a few emails commenting on how amazing Nicole planned and maintained the schedule.  They got just a glimpse in 10 days what I get to experience everyday.

The great reformer Martin Luther said "Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave."  That is my experience.  Nicole is my best friend and as cliche as it may sound, my soul mate.  I have become a better man since she has been in my life.  She is a Proverbs 31 woman no doubt.  I can confidently tell my daughters to look to their mom to see a true virtuous woman.  I don't have to teach them how to become a mom or wife.  They just look to Nicole.  I don't have to teach my son what kind of woman to marry.  All he has to do is look at his mom to see.  I am a most blessed man.  The Lord is kind and gracious.  Giving me salvation and a woman to share my ups and downs with.  To share my fears and failures with.  A soft and forgiving and gracious woman.  What more could a man want?  I have to say nothing.  My cup truly over flows.

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