Monday, July 23, 2012

The Plan of God

      As I woke up this morning, I was looking out of our window, watching the sun rise over the mountain peaks.  The steam from the Banos is rising and the sounds of the traffic is starting to pick up.  On the one mountain straight out from our house, there is a lone tree on the top and then about half way down the mountain there is a line of trees.  When we first moved down here to Peru, my daughter told me that she saw this as a picture.  The tree that is standing on the top of the mountain is a picture of Jesus.  The trees that are lined up half way down are the people of Cajamarca and they are looking up to Jesus and worshiping Him.  She said these people need to learn about Jesus so they can worship Him.  As I was looking out this morning I was looking at that tree remembering what my 8 year old told me months ago.

     Upon returning from our 6 week visit to the states, the Lord has opened doors that only He could.  A building on the main road through town was available for rent.  After inquiring about it, we signed papers for a year lease.  While in the states the Lord provided for us additional financial support that was almost exactly what the cost of the building was!  He is so incredibly faithful.  The owners are going to repair the roof at our request and as soon as the construction is done we will acquire the building.  At the end of August we are hoping to start church services on Sunday mornings and then throughout the week using it to facilitate Refugio de Amor, the kids outreach.

     What is God's plan here?  I was reading and came across this quote from E.M. bounds,

"All God's plans have the mark of the cross on them, and all His plans have death to self in them.... But men's plans ignore the offence of the cross or despise it. Men's plans have no profound, stern or self-immolating denial in them. Their gain is of the world."

This is as much for me as it is for the people who God has called us to.  Though the people here maybe aren't trying to gain the world in the same manner that people back in the States are, the fact remains, self stands in the way.  The message of the cross is as Paul put it "is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved it is the power of God."  This morning looking out and seeing this beautiful creation, it all the more motivated me to preach Christ and Him crucified.  Creation declares the glory of God, but it is through the message of the cross that people will be saved.  Here in Cajamarca if it only took creation, I don't know how any wouldn't know the Living God.  See creation holds all accountable to know there is a God, but it is through the preaching of the Gospel that lives will be changed.  All of God's plans have the mark of the cross.  We long to see people here come to know Jesus for His glory, we long to see the people here radically changed for the cause of Christ.  We long to see the people looking up to Jesus high above, worshiping just as my daughter views the trees on the mountain.

Soli deo Gloria