We have been back in the States for about 3 weeks now and we have been super blessed by the love and support we have been receiving. At the same time we are missing Peru and our family and friends down there. Since being back, we shared at our sending church and it was such a great time to be encouraged and hopefully encourage others as well. Last weekend we were able to share at Calvary Chapel Sonora which happens to be the first Calvary that I attended and it was the first place I ever heard the word of God being preached. It is a special place for me, it is like the spring board that got us to the point we are at now. We were tremendously blessed by there support and eagerness to know what is happening in Peru.
We have about 3 weeks left until we return to Peru and are looking forward to getting back. We will miss everyone here, but when God has placed you somewhere and called you, He gives the grace to leave the "comfortable".
It still amazes me when I ponder back on my life. God is an amazing God. He chooses to use us in His plan of salvation. I would tend to argue that nothing is more significant in the history of the universe, than God's plan of redemption. God is the creator of all things, and He could have used angels, rocks or whatever to share in His work, yet He chooses to use us. What a God we serve. What blows my mind even more is that He is the one doing it through us and then He rewards and blesses us. All it takes on our part is to yield to the Spirit of God and allow Him to work in and through us. We get to take part in God's work. WOW!!!! So amazing.